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The First Step - text, překlad

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You could say I'm plastered, 'cause I hit the wall
I lost count after 21, in the college crawl
Well, I've been a boozin' bastard
They're callin' me Edward Forty-hands, I can't touch anyone
With an enemy like me, who would need a friend?
Nevermind I'm drunk
Dalo by sa povedať, že som oblepený, pretože som narazil do steny
Stratil som sa po počítaní 21,pri utekaní na vysokú
No, bol som pijanský bastard
Volajú ma Edward Štyridsať-rúk, nemôžem sa nikoho dotknúť
Potreboval by nepriateľ ako ja kamaráta?
Nevadí, že som opitý
Well, we've had enough power since the blackout started
For an EKG for the broken hearted
I'd try to see the glass as half full
But I'd probably just drink that too!
Glass half full, I'd probably just drink that too!
No, od začiatku výpadku prúdu máme dostatok energie
Na EKG pre zlomené srdce
Pokúsil by som sa vidieť pohár poloplný
Ale to by som asi tiež vypil!
Pohár poloplný, to by som asi tiež vypil!
Well, I'm the reason they call it an Irish goodbye
And I hope I don't choke on my vomit tonight
Well, I bet that a bottle of brandy so bitter'd be better than bitin'
The bullet and betterin' myself, sorry if I slur!
Take my anxiety and my sobriety
I'll kill two birds with one stoner!
So if you see me, please take my keys
I don't wanna be an organ donor!
No, ja som dôvod, prečo sa tomu hovorí Írska rozlúčka
A dúfam, že sa dnes večer neudusím zvratkami
No, stavím sa, že fľaša brandy taká horká by bola lepšia ako hryzenie
Guľky a zlepšovanie sa, prepáč, ak zanadávam!
Vezmi moju úzkosť a moju triezvosť
Zabijem dve muchy jedným kameňom!
Takže ak ma uvidíš, vezmi si moje kľúče
Nechcem byť darcom orgánov!
Well, we've had enough power since the blackout started
For an EKG for the broken hearted
I'd try to see the glass as half full
But I'd probably just drink that too!
Glass half full, I'd probably just drink that too!
No, od začiatku výpadku prúdu máme dostatok energie
Na EKG pre zlomené srdce
Pokúsil by som sa vidieť pohár poloplný
Ale to by som asi tiež vypil!
Pohár poloplný, to by som asi tiež vypil!
I'm going down, and I'm taking you with me, yeah!
I'm bringing the water to the horse
So bring me the hair of the dog that bit me, yeah!
So I can clone it and have a little more
Idem dole a beriem ťa so sebou, áno!
Prinášam vodu koňovi
Tak mi prines srsť psa, ktorý ma pohrýzol, áno!
Aby som to mohol naklonovať a mať trochu viac
Well, we've had enough power since the blackout started
For an EKG for the broken hearted
I'd try to see the glass as half full
Even when I'm empty, half full
I'd try to see the glass as half full
But I'd probably just
Glass half full, I'd probably just drink that too!
I'd probably just drink that too!
No, od začiatku výpadku prúdu máme dostatok energie
Na EKG pre zlomené srdce
Pokúsil by som sa vidieť pohár poloplný
Aj keď som prázdny, poloplný
Pokúsil by som sa vidieť pohár poloplný
Ale asi by som asi
Pohár poloplný, to by som asi tiež vypil!
To by som asi tiež vypil!
99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer
You take one down, pass it around, 92 bottles of beer on the wall
76 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer
You take one down, pass it around, 98 bottles of beer on the wall
99 fliaš piva na stene, 99 fliaš piva
Jednu si dáš dole, posunieš ju ďalej. 92 fliaš piva na stene
76 fliaš piva na stene, 99 fliaš piva
Jednu si dáš dole, posunieš ju ďalej, 98 fliaš piva na stene

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