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Cross-Eyed Mary - text, překlad

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Who would be a poor man, a beggar man, a thief -
If he had a rich man in his hand.
And who would steal the candy from a laughing baby's mouth
If he could take it from the money man.
Cross-eyed Mary goes jumping in again.
She signs no contract but she always plays the game.
She dines in Hampstead village on expense accounted gruel,
and the jack-knife barber drops her off at school.
Laughing in the playground-gets no kicks from little boys:
would rather make it with a letching grey.
Or maybe her attention, is drawn by Aqualung
who watches through the railings as they play.
Cross-eyed Mary finds it hard to get along.
She's a poor man's rich girl and she'll do it for a song.
She's a rich man's stealer but her favour's good and strong:
she's the Robin Hood of Highgate-helps the poor man get along.
Kdo by asi zústal póvlem,žebrákem a šmírou
kdyby měl v hrsti boháče
a kdo by byl tak zlej ,že by sebral smějícimu
se děcku cukrátko
kdyby o něj mohl obrat pracháče
Pidlooká Máňa už zase naskakuje
nemá podepsanou smlouvu ,ale vždycky
hraje fér
Objedvá nahoře v Hampsteadu
kaši pro chudý
a holič ,,za groš kudla ,, ji vysazuje u školy
Na hřišti je samá sranda a malý kluci ji
nikdy nekopou
Radši by to dělala s prošedivelým loudilem
nebo ji radši přitahuje ,,Aqualung,,
kterej přes zábradlí pozoruje jejich hry
Pidlooká Máňa to nemá lehký
pro chudáky je bohatá holka a udělá to
za písničku
To prachatýho pěkně obere ale její žízeň je dobrá
a stálá
Je takovej Robin Hood z Highgate pomáhá to
chudákúm zvládnout

Text přidala Raduwa

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