Kecárna Playlisty

Into The Night - text, překlad

playlist Playlist
Like a gift from the heavens, it was easy to tell,
It was love from above, that could save me from hell.
She had fire in her soul it was easy to see,
How the devil himself could be pulled out of me,
There were drums in the air as she started to dance,
Every soul in the room keeping time with their hands,
And we sang..
Jako dar z nebes, bylo snadné říct,
Byla to láska z hůry, která mě mohla zachránit z pekla
V duši měla oheň, který bylo snadné vidět,
Jako sám ďábel mohl být ze mě vytažen,
Tam byly ve vzduchu bubny, když začala tančit,
Každá duše v pokoji udržuje rukama čas,
A my zpívali..
Ay oh ay oh ay oh ay,
And the voices rang like the angels sang,
Ay oh ay oh ay oh ay,
And we danced on into the night,
(Ay oh ay oh)
And we danced on into the night,
Ay oh ay oh ay oh ay,
A hlasy zněly jako andělský zpěv.
Ay oh ay oh ay oh ay,
A tančili jsme do noci,
(Ay oh ay oh)
A tančili jsme do noci.
Like a piece to the puzzle that falls into place,
You could tell how we felt from the look on our faces,
She was spinning in circles with the moon in our eyes,
No room left to move between you and I,
We forgot where we were and we lost track of time,
And we sang to the wind as we danced through the night,
And we sang...
Jako kousek puzzlí, který padá na místo,
Můžeš říct, co jsme cítili z pohledu na naše tváře,
Točila se v kruhu s měsícem v našich očích,
Žádný prostor k pohybu mezi tebou a mnou,
Zapomněli jsme, kde jsme byli a ztratili pojem o čase,
A zpívali jsme do větru, jak jsme tančili celou noc,
A my zpívali..
Ay oh ay oh ay oh ay,
And the voices rang like the angels sing,
We`re singing..
Ay oh ay oh ay oh ay,
And we danced on into the night,
(Ay oh ay oh)
Ay oh ay oh ay oh ay,
A hlasy zněly jako andělský zpěv.
Ay oh ay oh ay oh ay
A tančili jsme do noci.
Ay oh ay oh ay oh ay,
And we danced on into the night,
(Ay oh ay oh)
And we danced on into the night,
A tančili jsme do noci,
(Ay oh ay oh)
A tančili jsme do noci.

Like a gift from the heavens, it was easy to tell,
It was love from above, that could save me from hell,
She had fire in her soul it was easy to see,
And the devil himself could be pulled out of me,
There were drums in the air as she started to dance,
Every soul in the room keeping time with their hands,
And we sang...

Jako dar z nebes, bylo snadné říct,
Byla to láska z hůry, která mě mohla zachránit z pekla
V duši měla oheň, který bylo snadné vidět,
Jako sám ďábel mohl být ze mě vytažen,
Tam byly ve vzduchu bubny, když začala tančit,
Každá duše v pokoji udržuje rukama čas,
A my zpívali..
Ay oh ay oh ay oh ay,
And the voices rang like the angels sing,
We`re singing...
Ay oh ay oh ay oh ay,
And we danced on into the night,
Ay oh ay oh ay,
(Ay oh ay oh)
And we danced on into the night,
(And the voices bang like the angels sing),
Ay oh ay oh,
Ay oh ay oh,
And we danced on into the night,
Ay oh ay oh ay oh ay,
(Ay oh ay oh),
Ay oh ay oh ay oh ay,
(Ay oh ay oh),
Singing ay oh ay oh ay oh ay,
(Ay oh ay oh),
And we danced on into the night..
Ay oh ay oh ay oh ay,
A hlasy zněly jako andělský zpěv.
Ay oh ay oh ay oh ay,
A tančili jsme do noci.
Ay oh ay oh ay
(Ay oh ay oh)
A my tančili do noci
(A hlasy zněly jako andělský zpěv)
Ay oh ay oh
Ay oh ay oh
A tančili jsme do noci
Ay oh ay oh ay oh ay
(Ay oh ay oh)
Ay oh ay oh ay oh ay
(Ay oh ay oh)
Zpěv ay oh ay oh ay oh ay
(Ay oh ay oh).
A tančili jsme do noci..

Text přidala aeklyn

Videa přidali Dafi_93, lksvcr

Překlad přidala Denisek

Dark Horse

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