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WHY WEED SHOULD BE LEGAL ft Barack Obama - text, překlad

[Verse 1: Prince EA](Obama impersonator)
Mr. President, I come to you on behalf of my generation
To talk to you about this little plant situation
See, a lot of politicians hate it
But I'mma break it down and demonstrate to you
Why it's not as bad as they make it sound
See, you're the president that I believe can handle this
Heck, ya campaign slogan was ''Yes, we cannabis''
Just kidding, but seriously
Let's examine this subject truthfully, dawg
Look, so you taught constitutional law at Harvard, right, in 96?
Well, you should know the Declaration of Independence was drafted outta hemp
So were the sails that pushed our ships on the path to the colonies
So was the fuel used for Henry Ford's model T
So in a sense, you could say that pot has actually driven American history
(Please, it makes you lazy and underachieve)
But how can that be
When some of the most successful people smoked weed?
From Walt Disney to Milton Fried(man)
From Stephen King to Steve Jobs
The apple didn't fall far from the tree
You get it?
Steve Jobs, apple, trees
Jobs created the Apple computer high off weed
See, people believe that this plant is sinful
But let's go back in time and find out exactly where these beliefs came from
Cause before the 1930's, you could blaze up
But after the 1930's, things changed up
Cause that's man President Hoover commissioned a man named Harry J. Anslinger
As head of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics
His middle name's ironic
Cause he was the main guy attempting to demonize marijuana
Ummm, I mean cannabis sativa
See, the name ''marijuana'', he created as propaganda
For the people to make it sound more dirty
And a little more evil
Figured if he scared the public enough they would want it illegal
He teamed up with newspapers, who had their own motivations
(Like what?)
Google decorticator
The newspapers printed fake stories
About how every puff destroys your brain
Making you crazy insane, prone to murder and rape
The used race and then said again
That weed makes white women get pregnant
By Negroes and immigrant Mexicans
And based off of no research and investigation
Congress rubber stamped that legislation
And then poof, there was a law around it
So we accepted it and never thought about it
But, let's get smart about it
Lies and greed are the real reasons that it's illegal
And the reason you got that look on your face
When I talk about it
Pane prezidente přišel jsem za vámi ve jménu mojí
Mluvit o situaci téhle malé rostlinky
Spousta politiků ji nenávidí
a já jsem tady abych vám demonstroval
proč není až tak špatná jak by chtěli aby vypadala
Vy jste prezident o kterém si myslám že by to mohl
Slogan vaší kampaně zněl "yes we cannabis"
Né dělám si prdel, ale teď vážně
Pojďme si to upřímně rozebrat, dawg (citoslovce)
Takže vy jste studoval ústavní právo na Harvardu
v roce 1969?
Takže by jste měl vědět že deklarace
nezávislosti byla sepsána na konopí
Z konopí byly i plachty na lodích našich
Z konopí byl benzín do Fordu T Henryho Forda
Vlastně můžeme říct, že tráva je všude
napříč Americkou historií
(prosím, dělá to z tebe lenocha a lajdáka)
Jak by mohlo
vždyť někteří nejúspěšnější lidé kouří
Od Walta Disneyho po Miltona Frieda (kámo)
od Stephena Kinga po Steva Jobse
Jablko nespadlo daleko od stromu
Steve Jobs, jablka, stromy
Jobs stvořil první počítač Aplle když byl zhulenej.
Lidé věří že tahle rostlina je hříšná
Ale vraťme se zpět v čase aby jsme zjistili kdy
tyhle doměnky začali
Protože do roku 1930 se mohlo normálně hulit
Ale po roce 1930 se věci změnily
Protože tenkrát prezident Hoover pověřil
chlapa jménem Harry J. Anslinger
jako hlavu federální kanceláře narkotik
jeho prostřední jméno je ironie
Protože on byl hlavní postavou v démonizaci
ummm, myslím tím cannabis sativa
Tohle jméno "maruhuana" vytvořil v rámci
aby to lidem znělo víc odpudivě
a trochu víc ďábelsky
Myslel že když vystraší veřejnost dostatečně že ona sama
bude chtít trávu nelegální.
Spolupracoval s novinami které měly svou vlastní
(jako co?)
Google dekortikátor
Noviny otiskly falešné příběhy
O tom jak každej šluk ničí váš mozek
Že z toho zešílíte a budete vraždit a znásilňovat
a opakovaly to porád dokola
Že kvůli trávě bílé ženy otěhotní
s negry a imigranty z mexika
A gumy z kongresu to orazítkovaly tuhle legislativu
bez výzkumu a prošetřování
A zničeho nic se z toho stal zákon.
A my ho akceptovali a nikdy se nad tím nezamysleli
Ale pojďme se nad tím zamyslet.
Lži a chamtivost to je ten pravý důvod proč je to ilegální
A to je taky důvod proč máš tenhle výraz ve tváři
když o tom mluvím
Smoking weed with the president, with the pres
Smoking weed with the president, with the pres
Smooking weed, smoke smoke smoking weed with the president
Getting high, getting higher than I ever been
Smoking weed with the president, with the pres
Smoking weed with the president, with the pres
Smooking weed, smoke smoke smoking weed with the president
Getting high, getting higher than the deficit
[Verse 2]
(Mr. EA, marijuana's illegal for public health reasons
We don't want the American people
Breathing that stuff in and smoking it
Ain't nothing wrong with a little game day buzz
But marijuana is a dangerous, useless gateway drug
And you want me to legalize?
So the kids can get it easier? Ha ha
Well, what can I say
Either that's something to laugh at
Or bro, you're more of a jackass than Kanye)
A jackass? Ok, how about we talk about this rationally
Every 6 seconds a person dies from tobacco
And every 13 from alcohol
Guess how many died in the last ten thousand years from weed?
None at all
That's zip zero nada, no chance to overdose
Not one case in history, and no, I am not blowing smoke
Don't be a coward, just regulate and control it
Take the power from the drug dealers who contaminate, sell it and own it
See, they love the laws the way they are because they make millions
When drug lords support your laws, it's time to amend them
As for the kids, yeah, I'd agree except
It's easier for kids to buy weed today than to buy beer or cigarettes
Is that surprising?
Think about it, Sir, how many drug dealers you know ask to see ID?
And stop saying it's a gateway drug
Something so strong that you can't break away from
Big homie listen, quit being a politician
Studies show it's non addictive
And gateway theory is a lot of fiction
A contradiction, and you can quote me for it
You said marijuana was a ''useless'' drug?
Hold up a moment
Medical tests and evidence show it's proven to treat
Glaucoma, cancer, asthma, multiple sclerosis
It could do so much if it was legal
But if it was legal a lot of pharmaceutical drugs wouldn't be needed
I did my research and it seems that
(What? So what did you find out?)
Big pharma gave you a millions of dollars
So if weed became legal they would lose a lot of profit
And you would lose funding
So tell me Mr. Presidential
Is it really public health or is it special interest?
Are you worried about the kids, or the private businesses?
Only a few years back, you was against lobbying and corporate robbery
You campaigned for ''change'', well dammit, now demonstrate it in policy
Cause if you really wanna stimulate the economy
And mitigate the problems that emanate from poverty
It's time to legalize this billion dollar commodity
Harvard professor Jeffrey Myron estimated
9 billion dollars generated in taxes from regulation
Plus another 11 will be saved from law enforcement resources and incarcerations
That's 20 billion total every year
You saying this country don't need that kind of paper?
Put it towards environment, invest in education
Infrastructure in conjunction with job creation
Or maybe a combination, just stop laughing at this situation
And give it serious consideration
It ain't a joke, ain't nothing funny
The country's broke and its people need money
It's simple economics

Kouřim trávu s prezidentem, s prezi
Kouřim trávu s prezidentem, s prezi
Kouřim trávu, kouřim kouřim kouřim trávu
s prezidentem
Jsem zhulenej, jsem zhlenej jako nikdy
Kouřim trávu s prezidentem, s prezi
Kouřim trávu s prezidentem, s prezi
Kouřim trávu, kouřim kouřim kouřim trávu
s prezidentem
Jsem zhulenej, jsem víš než deficit
[Hook] Pan EA, maruhuana je ilegální kvůli veřejnému zdraví
Nechceme aby americký lid
dýchal látky v ní a kouřil jí
Neni nic špatnýho na celodením hraní her
ale marihuana je nebezpečná, zbytečná úniková
A ty po mě chceš abych ji legalizoval?
Aby bylo pro děti lehčí si jí opatřit? Ha ha
Dobře, co na to říct
krom toho abych se smál
brácho ty jseš větší blbec než Kanye
Blbec? Co kdybychom si o tom promluvili
Každých 6 sekund někdo umře na následky kouření
a každých 13 kvůli alkoholu
Hádej kolik lidí umřelo za posledních deset tisíc
let kvůli trávě?
Absolutní nula, nemůžeš se s ní předávkovat.
Ani jediný případ v historii, a ne nejsem
Nebuď zbabělec, můžeš to regulovat a kontrolovat
Seber tu moc drogovejm dealerům kteří
to řežou, prodávaj a vlastněj
Koukni jim se ty zákony líbí tak jak jsou protože
díky tomu vydělávaj miliony
Když drogový králové podporujou tvoje zákony, je na čase
je přehodnotit
Mluvil si o dětech, jo, mohlb bych souhlasit
Pro dnešní děti je jednodušší si koupit trávu
než pivo a cigára.
Překvapuje tě to?
Jen se nad tím zamysli, kolik drogovejch dealerů
se jich zeptá na občanku?
A přestaň řikat že je to úniková droga
tak silná že už se ji
Velkej brácho poslouchej a buď trošku politik.
Studie prokazují že to není návykové
a úniková teorie je fikce
Jsou to protiklady a můžeš mě za to klidně udat
Prohlásil jsi že marihuana je "zbytečná" droga?
Počkej chvilku
Lékařské testy dokazují že marihuana
zelený zákal, rakovinu, astma, roztroušenou sklerozu
Mohla by udělat tak moc kdyby byla legální
Ale kdyby byla legální nepotřebovaly by jsme
spoustu léků o farmaceutických spelečností
Udělal jsem vlastní průzkum a vypadá to že..
(Co? Tak co si zjistil?)
Farmacie vám dává miliony dolarů
Takže kdyby se zlegalizovala tráva přišli by o hodně velkej
A vy by jste ztratil finance
Takže mi řekněte pane prezidente
Je to veřejné zdraví nebo vlastní zájmy o co vám jde?
Staráte se o děti, nebo o vlastní
Pouze pár let na zpět jste byl proti Lobby
a tomu jak nás okrádají korporace
vaše kampaň byla za "změnu" a sakra teď
předvádíte to v politice
Protože jestli opravdu chcete oživit ekonomiku
a zmírnit problémy vznikající kvůli
tak je čas legalizovat tuhle nedocenitelnou komoditu
[Verse 3]
You did it, Bush did it
Clinton did it, Lincoln did it
And now you throw people in prison for this crime that ''we'' committed?
Mr. President, if it's such a sin
Then why don't you and the men I just named turn yourselves in?
I beg your pardon
See, I don't wanna hear that circular logic, we ain't in that oval office
Let's be honest
If you got caught with marijuana the day you smoked there wouldn't even be an Obama
No Barack at that prestigious college of Harvard
Getting his speeches polished with honors
Cause today, you can't get a student loan if caught with one weed cigarette
But you can have a rape conviction on your record and still get a check
From the government, yo, what the fuck is this?
Do you not see injustice when
It's people suffering sick dying of cancer
Who's only relief is a plant proven to ease pain
But, that will mean handcuffs
That will mean being called a criminal
That will mean thrown behind bars
Pitiful, Mr. President this ain't political
It's commonsensical
Millions in prison for something that's never killed a single individual
But you make deals with prescription drug advocates
When just last year more Americans died from prescriptions in they cabinets
Than heroin, terrorism, murder and traffic accidents combined
Mr.President, open your eyes
And see the blood on the wall
These companies wouldn't care if the country was coming apart
They sharks, they only care about how much it'll cost
Ain't been a disease cured in 60 years
Why? Cause a patient cured is a customer lost
Well, I say enough is enough
It's time for us to fix this
It's time to get away from the pharmaceutical interests
Forget about the stigma
Forget the opinions of politicians
Cause collective ignorance don't mean wisdom
Forget about pandering to the system
Cause when the system's wrong, Sir, it's your duty to go against it
I urge you to re-read that 9th amendment
And have courage and conviction and remember your commitment
To the people, cause what if it was Malia?
What if she needed a drug that was illegal to survive
Would things change? Would they be a little different?
Would policy remain, put yourself in that position
And no, I'm not wishing that on you, just illustrating
The consequences of this little plant situation
Cause a lot of politicians hate it
But I just broke it down, it's up to you to step up, Sir
The time is now
I say the time is now
I hope you step up, Sir
The time is now

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