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Tragedy - text, překlad

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It's a tragedy,
it's a tragedy,
it's a tragedy,
it's a tragedy.
Je to tragédie,
je to tragédie,
je to tragédie,
je to tragédie.
He was only twenty five,
had an open heart and tender mind,
he sang through all the hymns he knew,
he was searching for a higher sign,
when his water was turned to wine,
all the darkness became light.
Bylo mu jen 25,
srdce měl otevřené a duši citlivou,
zpívával všechny chvalozpěvy, co znal,
hledal vyšší znamení,
když jeho voda byla proměněna ve víno,
všechna temnota se stala světlem.
Babies and a patient wife,
they just wouldn't have to keep him high,
so he gave them up just to fill his cup,
every sip would make him feel alive,
no bones in his body were dry.
Mimina a trpělivé manželky,
ho prostě nenechaly vznést se,
tak je nechal, aby naplnily jeho šálek,
každý doušek ho mohl udržet naživu,
žádné kosti v jeho těle by neseschly.
It's a tragedy,
it's a tragedy,
it's a tragedy,
it's a tragedy.
Je to tragédie,
je to tragédie,
je to tragédie,
je to tragédie.
Now he's finally come around,
he's got wrinkles and a crooked friend,
he holds back tears thinking of the years,
that the bottle had a long time down,
so he'd sit have another round,
singing hallelujah 'till it drowns.
Teď se konečně zastavil,
má vrásky a mizerné kamarády,
zadržuje slzy mysle na roky,
kdy láhev měla hluboké dno,
takže seděl a měl další rundu,
zpívaje "Halleluja" než se to potopí.
It's a tragedy,
it's a tragedy,
it's a tragedy,
it's a tragedy.
Je to tragédie,
je to tragédie,
je to tragédie,
je to tragédie.

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