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Look What You’ve Done - text, překlad

playlist Playlist
[Verse 1]
It’s like ’09 in your basement and I’m in love with Nebby
And I still love her but it fell through because I wasn’t ready
And your back hurt, and your neck hurt, and you smoking heavy
And I sit next to you, and I lecture you because those are deadly
And then you ash it and we argue about spending money on bullshit
And you tell me I’m just like my father -- my one button, you push it
Now it's "Fuck you, I hate you, I'll move out in a heartbeat!"
And I leave out and you call me, you tell me that you sorry
You love me, and I love you, and your heart hurts, mine does too
And it's just words and they cut deep but it's our world, it's just us two
I see painkillers on the kitchen counter, I hate to see it all hurt so bad
But maybe I wouldn't have worked this hard if you were healthy and it weren't so bad
Uh, maybe I should walk up the street, and try and get a job at the bank
Cause leave it up to me, J, and Neeks, we'll probably end up robbing the bank
Then Wayne calls up my phone, conversation wasn't that long
Gets me a flight to Houston in the morning
Oh it's my time, yeah, it's on
He's thinking of signing me, I come home
We make a mixtape with seventeen songs
And almost get a Grammy off of that thing
They love your son -- man, that boy gone
You get the operation you dreamed of
And I finally send you to Rome
I get to make good on my promise
It all worked out, girl, we shoulda known
Cause you deserve it
Je to jako mít 09tku v tvojom suteréne a já jsem zamilovaný do Nebby (pozn. Drakeova ex přítelka)
Stále ji miluji, ale skončilo to fiaskem protože jsem nebyl připraven
Bolí tě záda, bolí tě krk a v jedem kuse kouříš
A já sedím vedle tebe a školím tě, protože cigarety jsou smrtelné
A pak sklepáváš popel a hádáme se o utrácení peněz na blbosti
Říkáš, že jsem přesně jako můj otec - mám 1 knoflík, který ty stláčíš
A pak z toho vznikne: "Je*em tě, nenávidím tě a v momentě se odstěhuju."
hned potom odejdu a ty mi voláš, že je ti to všechno líto
Miluješ mě a já miluji tebe, avšak mé i tvé srdce bolí.
Jsou to jen slova, ale i ty se zařezávají hluboko. Přesto je to náš svět. Svět nás dvou.
Vidím léky prosti bolesti na kuchyňské lince, nenávidím když ich tam vidím. Strašně mě to bolí.
Ale možná bych tak tvrdě nepracoval, pokud bych věděl, že si zdravá a není to tak špatné.
Ach, možná bych se měl projít po ulici a najít si místo v bance.
Protože pokud to necháš na mně, já J a Neeks pravděpodobně vyloupime banku.
Pak mi zavolá Wayne, konverzace není tak dlouhá
Ráno mám rezervovaný let do Houstonu
Ano, to je můj čas. To je ono
Myslí na to, že podepíšeme smlouvu. přijdu domů
Děláme mixtape s 17 písněmi
A téměř jsme za tuto práci dostali Grammy
Oni milují tvého syna - ten kluk je za vodou
Dostaneš operaci, o které si tak dlouho snila
Nakonec tě pošlu do Říma
Musím pracovat na svém slibu
Budu tvrdě pracovat, holka, to bychom měli vědět
Protože tys to zasloužíš
This shit real, should I pinch you?
After all the things that we been through, I got you
Look what you've done, look what you've done
Look what you've done for me now
You knew that I was gonna be something
When you're stressed out and you need something, I got you
Look what you've done, look what you've done
Toto ho*no je reálné, mám tě štípnout?
Po všem, čím jsme si prošli, měl jsem tě
Koukni na to, co si dokázala, koukni, co si dokázala
Koukni na to, co si pro mě dosud udělala
Ty jsi vždy věděla, že ze mě bude někdo
Když si to zdůrazňovala a potřebovala něco, měl jsem tě
Koukni na to, co si dokázala, koukni, co si dokázala
[Verse 2]
It's like '06 in your backyard, I'm in love with Jade
And I'm still in love, just when it's that real is when it doesn't fade
And my father living in Memphis now, he can't come this way
Over some minor charges and child support that just wasn't paid
Damn, boo-hoo, sad story, black American dad story
Know that I'm your sister's kid but
It still don't explain the love that you have for me
I remember sneaking in your pool after school dances
Damn your house felt like the Hamptons
For all of my summer romances
I never really had no one like you man this all new, shit
Made the world I knew bigger, changed the way that I viewed it
Had all this fighting going on at the crib
You would calm me down when I lose it
Told you I think I'm done acting, I'm more in touch with the music
You said either way I'll be a star, I could go so far
Talked from me to you, got from me you
You tossed the keys and loaned me your car
Yeah, just a young kid in a drop top
Lexus hopin' that I don't get arrested
Just another kid going through life
So worried that I won't be accepted
But I could do anything, you said that, and you meant that
You took me places, you spent that, they said no, we went back
Checks bounced but we bounced back
I put all the money in your accounts back
And I thank you, I don't know where
I'd really be without that, it worked out, man
You deserve it
......druhá časť čoskoro
[Drake's Grandmother]
Hi Aubrey, I'm here sitting with my son having a little talk
And he knows how to get in touch with you now
To let you know how grateful I am for your help
In keeping me in this, in this comfortable place
All I can say, Aubrey, is I remember the good times we had together
And the times I used to look after you
And I still have wonderful feelings about that
So God bless you, and I hope I'll see you...

Text přidala Jennifer1

Video přidala Monas11

Překlad přidala Bejbe007

Take Care

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