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We Have It All - text, překlad

[Verse 1]
There was fire around us, so I should have known why
The touch of his hands were as cold as his eyes
So don't you tell me we weren't hypnotised
(Whoa-oh, oh, whoa-oh)
Kolem nás byl oheň a tak jsem měl vědět proč
Dotek jeho rukou byl chladný stejně jako jeho pohled
Tak mi neříkej, že jsme nebyli zhypnotizovaní
(Whoa-oh, oh, whoa-oh)
[Verse 2]
The print was so small, I didn't understand
He cut our thumbs and placed a feather in our hands
Told us we would see all our dreams and plans unfold
(Oh, whoa-oh)

Písmo bylo tak malé, že jsem mu nerozuměl
Říznul nás do prstu a vložil nám pírko do rukou
[Chorus 1]
Our hearts we have sold
For diamonds and gold
But hey, baby, take a look
We have it all
Řekl nám, že se všechny naše sny a plány
[Verse 2]
All my life I've been heading for hell
But never had I thought I'd drag you down as well
I just couldn't resist what he was trying to sell (Oh, whoa-oh)
[Verse 3]
There's glory ahead, but our love will be forgotten
If my heart was still mine, I would go to the bottom
And apologise to you until the day it went rotten
(Whoa-oh, oh, whoa-oh)
[Chorus 2]
But haven't you heard?
Hearts turn to dirt
Along with the rest of your body
It's all claimed by the earth
It will fade and it will wither
But gold, it will never
And hey, baby, don't you know
Diamonds are forever
Prodali jsme naše srdce
Za diamanty a zlato
Ale lásko, podívej
My máme vše
(Whoa-oh, oh)
Hear me
Can you hear me?
I am calling out to you for the last time

Celý život směřuji do pekla
Ale nikdy jsem netušil, že tě stáhnu s sebou
Nezvládl jsem odolat tomu, co se snažil prodat
(Oh, whoa-oh)
[Chorus 3]
Our hearts we have sold
For diamonds and gold
But hey, baby, take a look
We have it all
And haven't you heard?
Hearts turn to dirt
Along with the rest of your body
It's all claimed by the earth
Hear me
Can you hear me?
I am begging from you for the last time
Hear me
Please forgive me
I am calling out to you for the last time

Čeká na nás sláva, ale naše láska bude zapomenuta
Kdyby moje srdce zůstalo mé, spadl bych ke dnu
A omlouval se ti do dne, kdy zhnije
Whoa-oh, oh, whoa-oh)

Text přidala ondatra12

Video přidala ondatra12

Překlad přidala Shikukka

We Have It All

Pim Stones texty

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