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She Makes Me A Killer - text, překlad

playlist Playlist
Never make a pretty woman your wife
Never make a pretty woman your wife, why?
You can't trust that funny look in her eye
Never make a pretty woman your wife
Nikdy se neprovdávej za krásnou ženu
Nikdy se neprovdávej za krásnou ženu, proč?
Nemůžeš věřit jejim očím když se smějou
Nikdy se neprovdávej za krásnou ženu
How can a angel break my heart?
Life's hard! i'm just trying to play my part
But she keeps pushing me, pushing me, pushing me, pushing me
Yo yo yo! ok, let's go
Jak může anděl zlomit moje srdce?
Život je těžkej! Snažím se hrát můj osud.
Ale ona na mě pořád tlačí, tlačí na mě, tlačí na mě, tlačí na mě
Jo jo jo! Ok, jdem na to
After a lekker zef show there by tings n times nice
This hot chick steps to me and says, "i dig your rhymes!"
I said, "thanks", you know and played it shmoove smooth
She said, "ninja, can't you sign your name on my boob?"
I said, "no problem, what's your name?" "sophie"
K, okey dokey! waarsie fokken koki? where's the fuckin marker pen?
I wrote 'ninja was here', it looked fuckin ill
Plus i wrote my number and i drew a duk fokken piel a nice big penis
I said, "don't be afraid!", sophie said, "i'm not afraid"
Po pěkný ZEF show je tu nějaká pěkná věc docela příjemná
Tahle pěkná kočička jde ke mě a povídá "Já vykopu tvoje rýmy"
Řekl jsem "díky", víš a hraješ to smoosh smoosh
Řekla "ninja, nenamaloval by jsi mi tvoje jméno na moje prsa?"
Říkám "neni problém, jaké je tvoje jméno?" "sophie"
Ok, ouky douky, Kde je kur*a ten zvýrazňovač?
Napsal jsem "Ninja tu byl" to mluví za vše
Plus jsme napsal svoje jméno a nakreslil velkej pěknej penis
Řekl jsem "neboj se", sophie řekla "já se nebojím"
Then sophie came down to cape town for a holiday
I took her to the waterfront, fokken lekker laaney very fuckin fancy
I got a chip roll, she ordered calamari
Yo we had a nice time plus alot of white wine
Soon it was night time, 300 buck bill
Fine, paid the bill, signed, ass on my mind
Sophie said i was a lucky catch of a guy
300 bucks is not too much to splash for a naai

Sophia přijela dolů do města na prázdniny
Vzal jsme jí na nábřeží, pěkný kur*a
Chci jí
Mám brambůrky, nařídila calamari
Jo máme pěknej čas plus spoustu bílého vína
Brzo bude večer, 300 babek
Fajn, zaplatim účet, zadek mám na mysli
Sophia řekla, že jsem štastný úlovek mezi muži
300 babek není zas tak moc
Took her back my place, mummies watching soapies
Lamming in her stokies, mummy this is sophie chilling in her slippers
"oh, hi sophie!" boom! boom! boom!
Let's go back to my room, yo this shit's fuckin on
Then sophie said, "i didn't know you live with your mom!"
"this is not what i expected! sorry this is hectic!"
Just gooi me wif a blow-job! "no!" wat? hook me up
Vzal jsem její zazek na místo, máma sleduje soapries
Řekl jsem její příběhy, mami tohle je Sophie, máma chiluje v bačkorách
"Oh, ahoj Sophie" bum! bum! bum!
Pojdme do mého pokoje, jo pojd na to
Potom řekla "Nevěděla jsem, že bydlíš s mámou"
"To není to co jsme očekávala. Promin to je hektický"
Prostě mi ho vyhon! "ne!" co? zapoj se
Oh i understand! let's go maybe naai in the back seat fuck
"what the fuck do you think i am?" i think you fuckin sexy!
"just take me to my hotel!" bitch, call a taxi!
Nou sit ek soos n jagse doos sonder n ereksie!
Now here i sit like a horny idiot with no er******
How can a angel break my heart?
Life's hard! i'm just trying to play my part
But she keeps pushing me, pushing me, pushing me, pushing me!
Pushing and pushing and pushing! pushing and fuckin pushing!
Jo! Já už chápu! Vzat se možná později
"Co si jako myslíš že jsem?" Já si myslim, že jsi hrozně sexy
Tak mě vem ke mě do hotelu! děvko, zavolej taxi
A ted sedím jak nadržený idiot bez erekce
A ted sedím jak nadržený idiot bez erekce
A woman is more dangerous than a loaded pistol
They promise you heaven, give you hell!
My little baby is driving me crazy!
Jak může anděl zlomit moje srdce?
Život je těžkej! Snažím se hrát můj osud.
Ale ona na mě pořád tlačí, tlačí na mě, tlačí na mě, tlačí na mě
Ona na mě pořád tlačí, tlačí na mě, tlačí na mě, tlačí na mě
She makes me a killer (x8) Ženy jsou mnohem nebezpečnější než pistole
Slibují ti nebe, ale dají ti peklo!
Moje malý zlatíčko mě řídí bláznivě
Never make a pretty woman your wife
Never make a pretty woman your wife why?
You can't trust that funny look in her eye
Never make a pretty woman your wife
Dělá ze mě vraha! (x8)
If you feeling horny put your hands up
Ninja 'bout to kick a little story 'bout miranda
I was out dopping by the purple turtle hanging wif some homies
Skopped one too many dops, damn i need to go pee!
Nikdy se neprovdávej za krásnou ženu
Nikdy se neprovdávej za krásnou ženu, proč?
Nemůžeš věřit jejim očím když se smějou
Nikdy se neprovdávej za krásnou ženu
kicked back one too many drinks
I'm on my to take a piss and i see this $copie someone you have your eye on
She looked just like a coloured angelina jolie
The cherry looked very happy to see me, "mister!"
"aren't you the rapper from the tv?" is ja that's correct
Pokud se cejtíš nadrženě zvedni ruce
Ninja řekne krátný příběh o Mirandě
Byl jsme venku u fialový želvy s nějakými gangsta
Vynechal jsem pár kapek, ale potřebuju na záchod!
I couldn't help staring at those nice tits
Chilling just below them big fat blow job lips
Plus a g-string all up in that salty crack
I said, "shit! i need to piss but i'll be back!"
That night was a fuckin jol, think it was a thursday
Hodil jsem do sebe moc drinků
Šel jsme chcát a uviděl jí
Někdo má vaše oči
Ona koukala jako vícebarevná Angelina Jolie
Třešnička vypadala moc štastná, že mě vidí "mistře"
"nejsi ty ten raper z televize?" "Jo to je jsem"
Dj bumped some 50, go shorty it's your birthday
Miranda asked me in when i dropped her back at her place
On the veranda ninja fucked miranda on the first date
And everything was hunky fuckin dory
Then comes the twist to this funky little story
At my next live show
Guess who's in the front row staring at me like a psycho
Nemohl jsem se přestat dívat na její prsa
Miranda's big green hawk eyes
Glued to the ninja like a red beam all night
After the show ninja gets rushed by a bunch of poppies
I tell miranda, here's some money go buy yourself a doppie
So i'm there signing autographs, smoking a doobie
"can i get your autograph?" sure show me your boobies
All of a sudden miranda busts in, making a spectacle!
Grabs me by the nuts and starts breaking my testicles
Jassis! i nearly klapped her cos jesus! i nearly hit her because.
Those heavy fuckin claws digging into my balls was very fuckin sore!
Eweskielik n hele klomp fokken koppe draai all-of-a-sudden a whole bunch of fuckin heads turn
Miranda says, "tsy! vat jy my vir n fokken naai?"hey!
How can a angel break my heart?
Life's hard! i'm just trying to play my part
But she keeps pushing me, pushing me, pushing me, pushing me!
Pushing and pushing and pushing! pushing and fuckin pushing!
A woman is more dangerous than a loaded pistol
They promise you heaven, give you hell!
My little baby is driving me crazy!
She makes me a killer (x8)
Never make a pretty woman your wife
Never make a pretty woman your wife, why?
You can't trust that funny look in her eye
Never make a pretty woman your wife
Jesus christ!
Why do chicks always have to be so fuckin complicated?
Like this one chick, lazaan, was fuckin into me!
Plus she was a virgin!
So this one time me and lazaan was smoking a zol weed
There by dj hi-tek's crib
When she says to me, "can't we be alone?"
So i took her to hi-tek's room
About to close the door, and drop the bomb
I said, "i got the bong", she said, "i got the herb!"
I told dj hi-tek, "do not disturb!"
Then bada-bada-bing! bada-bada-bomb!
I put the flame on the motherfuckin bong!
Like now the heat is on!
Lazaan told me she wanted me to be the one
I started slow and sexy, yo i'ma getting some
Punani-nani! punani-num-num!
Like bada-bada-bam! bada-bada-boom!
When hi-tek walked in the motherfuckin room!
Like fuckin blind!
There i was giving it to her from behind
I said, "what's the matter bro?"
"dj hi-tek you wanna have a go?"
Lazaan starts having this moerse fuckin freak out
There i am standing like a doos with my dick out!
She's kicking me! slapping! teeth flaring! swearing!
I thought barny said: 'sharing is caring!'
How can a angel break my heart?
Life's hard! i'm just trying to play my part
But she keeps pushing me, pushing me, pushing me, pushing me!
Pushing and pushing and pushing! pushing and fuckin pushing!
A woman is more dangerous than a loaded pistol
They promise you heaven, give you hell!
My little baby is driving me crazy!
She makes me a killer (x8)

Text přidala Emelyne

Text opravila Sharpour

Video přidal Rppok

Překlad přidala Sharpour

Překlad opravila Sharpour


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