Kecárna Playlisty

Ted The Mechanic - text, překlad

playlist Playlist
Playing pool and drinking beer
Nothin more'n the
occasional tear
But this man's life goes on
and he gets
greased all over
from time to time
At the strip joint, where we met
He said 'Hi, my name is Ted
See that one over there
That ball of thunder
Every time she goes Vavoom,
I wiggle in my chair
Can I buy you a beer?
What a guy
Hrá biliard a pije pivo
nič viac
príležitostne slza
ale život tohto človeka ide ďalej ako zvyčajne
čas od času býva
stretli sme sa v striptízovom bare
povedal ahoj volám sa Ted
pozri na tamtú
udrie ma hrom zakaždým keď ide Vavoom
nervózne sedím
v mojom kresle
môžem ti kúpiť pivo
čo si za chlapa
'I've had a few myself' he said
'But I never quit when I'm ahead
Too many rules and regulations
Stupid laws designed by fools behind closed doors
And another thing I won't discuss is religion
It always causes a fight
There she goes again
'How does she do that' said Ted

Naveľa povedal už som ich mal niekoľko
ale nikdy nekončím hru
pokiaľ všetkých neobohrám
príliš veľa pravidiel a predpisov
hlúpych zákonov vymyslených hlupákmi za zatvorenými dvermi
a ďalšia vec o ktorej nebudem diskutovať je náboženstvo, skončí sa vždy bitkou - Vavoom
prichádza znovu
ako to robí povedal Ted
And he told me
of those unjustices (that)
He had suffered in his life
His wife and kids
and boss and dogs
and neighbours
Raising cain and causing strife
They were forever whining
Bleating howling yapping screeching moaning crying
He fed them well
He keep them warm
A povedal mi
o svojich krivdách
ktoré mu strpčovali jeho život
jeho žena a deti
a šéfovia a psi
a susedia
pozdvihnutia spôsobujúce spory
budú stále pretrvávať
stonanie, vytie, štekanie, piskot
a plač
kŕmil ich dobre
zohrieval ich
Thing about Ted
he didn't really care
Nothing much got in his hair
and the beauty of it was
that he was right
He was big as a truck
and fast as a door
(what's that?)
he was always right
Premýšľaj o tom Ted
moc ho to nezaujímalo
obzvlášť si to nebral do hlavy
a pekné bolo, že mal pravdu
bol veľký ako nákladiak
a rýchly ako dvere
(čo to bolo)
mal vždy pravdu
The banjo player took a hike
What's that song
I used to like
He was big as a truck
Fast as a door - Ted
Ted the man our Ted

Muzikant sa dostal do raže
čo je to za pesničku
páči sa mi
bol veľký ako nákladiak
rýchly ako dvere - Ted
Ted chlap, náš Ted

Text přidal Corsica

Video přidal Corsica

Překlad přidala terko


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