Kecárna Playlisty

Bella Traicion - text, překlad

playlist Playlist karaoke Karaoke
I don't wanna hear it again
Your always getting stuck in my head
All the things you think that i'm supposed to be
Don't worry bout the way that i am
Cause that's the only thing that i plan on being
So forget about trying to take my dreams from me
I'm not sorry that i'm not just like everybody else
I'm not sorry cause that would mean i'm not cool with myself
Sometimes i can feel like i'm the only one with faith
Faith that i'll be okay
At the end of the day
At the end of the day
I hate being alone in the dark
But i'm still gonna follow my heart
And no one is ever gonna make me stop
So many things that i wanna do
So many once i'm gonna recruit
The one on the other side i hope is you
I'm not sorry that i'm not just like everybody else
I'm not sorry cause that would mean i'm not cool with myself
Sometimes i can feel like i'm the only one with faith
Faith that i'm gonna be okay
At the end of the day
Will you be there?
Holding my hand when i fall down
Will you be there?
Trying to make me change
And be the same
As you
I don't wanna be like you
I don't wanna be like you
I'm not sorry that i'm not just like everybody else
I'm not sorry cause that would mean i'm not cool with myself
Sometimes i can feel like i'm the only one with faith
Faith that i'll be okay
At the end of the day
At the end of the day
I'm not sorry
I'm not sorry
At the end of the day
Už to nechcem znova vidieť
moja duša je rozpolená na dve kusy kvôli tebe
nezaujíma ma oheň v ktorom dnes horím
hovoria, že som chorá láskou
že mám vstať
a znovu padnúť kvôli tebe zakaždým, keď sa objavíš naproti mne
Pretože bez teba nie je cesta
žiadny osud, som stratená
pretože bez teba ma nezaujímajú
minúty ani dni
pretože bez teba nie je prítomnosť, ani budúcnosť, zachráň ma
od tejto krásnej zrady, čo zabila moje ilúzie
Odpusť mi, či ťa strácam
cítim to, či vyčerpám ilúziu
nezaujíma ma sľub čo som ti dala
hovoria mi, že všetko skončí,
že si len pieseň včerajška

Text přidala HaniQ

Text opravila Lespir

Video přidala anjelik1715

Překlad přidala lucka825

Překlad opravila Pebbles6


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