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Turn It Around - text, překlad

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She felt comatose waiting for this thing to grow
She's impatient 'cause she wants it now and so it shows
She can't be bothered by the ties that bind her
She's united when it strangles everything it holds
Cíti sa otupená čakajúc kým to vyrastie
Je netrpezlivá pretože to chce teraz a tak sa to prejavuje
Nemôže byť obťažovaná záväzkami ktoré ju pútajú
Je spojená škrtiac všetko čo drží
She's looking through the wrong end
She's looking through the wrong end
She's looking through the wrong end of the telescope
Turn it around, turn it around
Pozerá sa cez zlý koniec
Pozerá sa cez zlý koniec
Pozerá sa cez zlý koniec ďalekohľadu
Otoč ho, otoč ho
She closed the door with the intention of not looking back
But missed her step because she didn't have a steady track
She can't be bothered by the mistakes she's made
But she's forgetting that's what guides you to the rightful path
Zavrela dvere s úmyslom nepozerať sa späť
Ale šliapla vedľa pretože nemala stálu trasu
Nemôže byť obťažovaná chybami ktoré urobila
Ale zabúda že je to to ,čo ju vedie na spravodlivú cestu
She's looking through the wrong end
She's looking through the wrong end
She's looking through the wrong end of the telescope
Turn it around, turn it around
Pozerá sa cez zlý koniec
Pozerá sa cez zlý koniec
Pozerá sa cez zlý koniec ďalekohľadu
Otoč ho, otoč ho
As suspected back at home it grew out of control
Well that can happen when you leave things to a little girl
So now she's left without an option at hand
She better tend to it or she won't have another chance
Zatiaľ čo pochybovala ,doma to vyrástlo spod kontroly
Ale to sa stáva keď prenecháš veci malému dievčaťu
Mala by na to radšej dohliadnuť alebo nebude mať inú šancu
She's looking through the wrong end
She's looking through the wrong end
She's looking through the wrong end of the telescope
Turn it around, turn it around
Pozerá sa cez zlý koniec
Pozerá sa cez zlý koniec
Pozerá sa cez zlý koniec ďalekohľadu
Otoč ho, otoč ho
She's looking through the wrong end
She's looking through the wrong end
She's looking through the wrong end of the telescope
Turn it around, turn it around
Pozerá sa cez zlý koniec
Pozerá sa cez zlý koniec
Pozerá sa cez zlý koniec ďalekohľadu
Otoč ho, otoč ho

Text přidala glasspiano

Text opravil Revolution

Video přidala bedasong

Překlad přidal Revolution


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