Kecárna Playlisty

Ross Capicchioni - text, překlad

playlist Playlist
Woke up at 7, my day seemed more than I prayed for
Got dressed to head out and ride to school on my skateboard
New kid in class I sat alone takin' notes while the hoodlums were makin' jokes at the clothes that my momma paid for
Seemed like everyone was a part of some gang invasion
Tattoos, the initiation, parolers I’m on probation
Soakin up the vibe as I study for information
Cause lately I been deprived of a normal day
But today, on my way to eat lunch, some kid approached
He told me “we should be cool” if only he got to know me
Cause on this side of town I would need some protection
It’s crazy, reckless and dangerous
Unless I’m some sort of gangster, I’m only safe with the police
He said his name was
I dapped him up at the busses
I was kinda skept' about him at first cause I didn’t trust him
The more I got to know him, I couldn’t tell what his motives were
Hopin' that he was sincere, somethin told me “let go”
But the only thing on my mind was patience
Searchin' twice for a different life, I was tired of waitin'
Cause me and [blank] had similar views and conversations and feuds with knowledge
Mainly 'bout school and college, that was my true, but regardless
He was type cool when I was wit him
Introduce him to my family, they were rockin' wit' him
My momma told him, “Make sure you look out for my son”
And before she could finish her sentence, he quickly just interjected and said, “Don’t you even stress it, I got it under control.”
It’s been two months since we met, it seemed like we’d gotten close
Some cat approached me and tried to beef wit' me, I just froze
Then I see [Blank] pounded and stompin homie without his cloak
Called me his brother and told me he got me to the fullest
Even if that mean bullets, bullies, gangs, AKs and choppas ‘till they kill us
That’s the realest shit I ever witnessed
A few weeks later, my uncle sold me a Honda Civic
A ’93 with no license plates or registration
Just thinkin' about every place that I’ma go when I finally get it
And then he asked me for a ride around the block some distance from where I was parkin
And instantly I knew the spot was sketchy, my momma would kill me
My intuition told me not to, I knew it was wild
And plus I knew I had no business or place on that side of town
And I read about some chick that went lurkin' without a sound and got murked
Her body found in that dirt, with a thousand rounds
It was worse than abandoned buildins of bandits, villians, and scammers
Killers provokin' gangsters, but maybe I’m overthinkin'
Maybe I might be straight just as long as I pump the brakes
And try not to think about it just trust I’ll be fuckin' safe
And then I told him, “Let’s go, hop in.”
He dapped me up, he started tellin' jokes the whole ride there
Had me crackin' up
As we were gettin closer, I felt funny, my stomach turned
Then he told me, “Go left, make another turn, go right, and drive slow”
As I look, it was all abandoned and quiet, not a single person in sight, nobody standin
And right when I pulled the car to the side
He said, “Right here, sit still. Turn the car off and chill.”
That’s when I start to panic he told me, “Relax.”
Then he pulled the keys out the ignition and hopped out and laughed
Then my life flashed in an instant
He inched to my driver door then I tried to lock it, I couldn’t
Ripped me right outta my seat and then grabbed the side of his jeans and then
Pulled out the shotty and all I heard was a screech and he shot my arm into pieces
I’m thinkin' I must be dreamin’, another shot to my chest
And my stomach’s squeezin', my breath or my lungs collapsin
I’m down on my fuckin knees askin' him, “Why?”
He looked at me, I looked him dead in the eyes
And he smashed my face with the barrel
And I throw my teeth to the sky and then uh
I heard a *cocks shotgun* sound of the shotty cock back
He pressed it hard against my head and blew my fuckin top back
I’m still conscience, I’m breathin'
I’m still movin', no clue as to why I’m not dead
All this blood that I’m losin' and I heard my car drive off
And I looked up and saw the sun and that was all that I saw
Then I heard my conscience tell me, “Get up nigga get up! You’re losin' blood, oh my! Don’t fall asleep or you’ll die! Stay awake and move as much as possible, there’s no time! Find some help or try to yell, you ain’t too well, oh God! Wake up, nigga! Wake up! Wake up, nigga! Wake up…”
Vstal jsem v 7, můj den vypadal na víc než na co jsem se modlil
Oblékl jsem se, abych vyrazil do školy na mém skejtu
Byl jsem novej, seděl jsem sám, psal si poznámky, zatímco místní vtipkují o oblečení, které mi koupila máma
Zdálo se, že každej byl členem nějakýho gangu
Tetování, zasvěcení, propuštěni na podmínku jsem v probaci
Nasávám okolní dojem, zatím co se učím
Protože poslední dobou jsem byl zbavený normálního dne
Ale dnes, jsem na cestě na oběd, nějakej týpek ke mě přišel
Řekl ''Mohli bychom být v poho'' jenom pokud by mě poznal
Protože na týhle straně města bych potřeboval protekci
Je to šílený, bezohledný a nebezpeční
Pokud nejsem nějaký gangster, jsem v bezpečí jenom u policie
Řekl, že jeho jméno je ....
Pozdravil jsem ho u autobusu
Byl jsem vůči němu skeptický, nevěřil jsem mu
Čím víc jsem ho znal, tím míň jsem byl schopný určit jeho motivy
Doufal jsem, že byl upřímný, něco mi říkalo ''kašli na to''
Ale jediná věc, na kterou jsem myslel byla trpělivost
Hledat podruhé nový život, nebavilo mě čekat
Protože já a ... jsme měli stejné názory a konverzace a hádanky s vědomostmi
Hlavně o škole a vejšce, to byla moje pravda
Byl v poho když jsem byl s ním
Představil jsem ho rodině, byli s ním v poho
Máma mu řekla ''Hlavně mi dávej pozor na syna''
Než to mohla doříct, přerušil ji a řekl ''Nebojte se, mám to pod kontrolou''
Uběhly dva měsíce co jsme se potkali, vypadalo, že se sbližujeme
Nějakej chlápek ke mě přišel, chtěl se rvát, ztuhl jsem
A potom vidím ... jak ho mláti a kope do něj
Nazval mě svým bratrem, že mě bude bránít napořád
I když to znamená kulky, šikanátoři, gangy, AKčka a vrtulníky, než nás zabijou
Bylo to kurva silný
Pár týdnu na to, strýc mi prodal Hondu Civic
93-ka bez značek a papírů, přemýšlel jsem kam všude s tím pojedu až je dostanu
Potom se mě zeptal, ať ho svezu kolem bloku, nějakou dálku odkud jsem parkoval
Hned jsem věděl, že to zavání průserem, máma by mě zabila
Instinkt mi radil ne, věděl jsem to, byl jsem prdlej
A navíc jsem věděl, že tam nemám žádně známosti
Četl jsem o nějaký holce, co tam šla, bez čehokoliv a zabili ji
Našli její tělo v hlíně s tisíci kulkami
Bylo to horší než opuštěné budovy plné banditů, záporáků, Zabijákům a gangsterů, ale možná jen přeháním
Možná to bude v poho, dokud dokážu brzdit
A snažit se na to nemyslet a být v pořádku
A řekl jsem mu ''Jedem, naskoč''
Nasedl a začal říkat vtipy celou cestu
Tlemil jsem se
Když jsme se blížili, bylo mi divně, otáčel se mi žaludek
Potom mi řekl ''Jeď doleva, znova zatoč, doprava a jeď pomalu''
Když jsem se podíval, bylo tam prázdno a ticho, žádný člověk v dáli, nikde nikdo
A když jsem zaparkoval, řekl ''Přímo tady, seď v klidu, vypni motor a buď v poho''
Tam jsem začal panikařit, řekl ''uklidni se''
Vytáhl klíčky ze zapalování, vyskočil a smál se
Potom mi před očima probleskl život
Přešel k mým dveřím, snažil jsem se zamknout, nemohl jsem
Vytáhl mě z auta, potom si povytáhl džíny a vytáhl brokovnice a jediný co jsem slyšel byl výstřel, rozstřelil mi ruku na kousky
Myslel jsem, že sním, další rána do hrudi
Stahuje se mi žaludek, můj dech, nebo mi selhávají plíce
Klečím a ptám se ''proč?''
Koukl na mě, koukám mu do očí
Praštil mě pažbou do obličeje
Zuby letí do vzduchu a potom uh..
slyším *nabije brokovnici* zvuk nabíjení brokovnice
Namířil mi na hlavu a kus mi ustřelil
Pořád jsem při vědomí, pořád žiju
Pořád se hýbu, nechápu, jak to, že nejsem mrtvý
Všechna krev co ztrácím a slyším, jak mi auto odjíždí
Koukám nahoru a vidím slunce, to jediné co vidím
Potom slyším mé vědomí ''Vstávej frajere, vstávej! Ztrácíš krev, bože! Neusínej nebo umřeš! Zůstaň při vědomí a hýbej se, co můžeš, není čas! Najdi pomoc, nebo se snaž křičet, nejsi na tom dobře, pane bože! Vstávej frajere! Vstávej! Vstávej Frajere! Vstávej...''
Woke up at 7, my day was worse than I prayed for
Got dressed, then head out, down the stairs from the eighth floor
New kid in class, he sat alone, takin' notes while my niggas were makin' jokes
At the clothes that his mama paid for
Had no family, but was cool with the local gangstas
Tattoos, and now I’m on parole and probation for breakin' rules
That life was all I knew, all I wanted was to do was cruise
Smoke weed and say, “Fuck school”
Wanted guidance cause all my role models I would look up to
Was indicted a young dude with no logic
I went to church and told the pastor said, “Fuck you.”
Now I’m violent and this game that always looked out for me
Vouched for me and adopted me said they wanted to rock wit me
And I wanted to get down, guess somethin' was missin'
Everything comes with a price, “There’s only one condition:
All you gotta do for initiation is kill an innocent victim and leave em there with no witnesses or no snitches
If you do that, you’d be down with the clique and that’s for life so don’t you ever think you getting outta this shit"
And I thought about it
Soakin' up the vibe as I study for information, tryna choose my victim, plottin' the weakest pray
But today on my way to eat lunch, I approached him
And told him we should be cool, if only I got to know him
Cause on this side of town, he would need some protection
It’s crazy reckless or phony unless he some type of gangster and he only stayed with the police
He said his name was [Ross Capicchioni] and I dapped him up at the busses
Was kind of skept' about me at first cause he didn’t trust me
Then the more he got to know me, he couldn’t tell what my motives were
Hopin’ that I was sincere, but little did he know I was tryna snake him and pop a brick
Just need the perfect opportunity, I’m tired of waitin’
A murder runnin’ through my head, I knew that death was comin’
He introduced me to his family, I was jealous of him
His momma told me “Make sure you look out for my son-“
And before she could finish her sentence I quickly just interjected and said
“Don’t you even stress it. I got him to the fullest, even if that means bullets, bullies, gangs, AKs and choppas till they kill us.”
I was lyin to the fuckin’ limits
Took advantage when he said he had that Honda Civic
A ’93 with no license plates and no registration
Just thinkin’ about every place I’ma go when I finally kill him
And then I asked him for a ride around the block, some distance from where he was parked
And instantly I knew my chance was comin’, I’m ready to drill him
Then he told me, “Let’s go, hop in.”
I dapped him up and started tellin jokes the whole ride there
Had him crackin up
As we were gettin’ closer, he felt funny
I think he knew somethin’ was comin’, that look he had was enough to tell me
But fuck it, go right and drive slow
As he looked, it was all abandoned and quiet
Not a single person in sight and nobody standin
And right when he pulled the car to the side
I said, “Right here, sit still. Turn the car off and chill.”
Then he start to panic, I told him, “Relax.”
Then I pulled the keys out the ignition and hopped out, laughed
His life flash in an instant
I inched to his driver door then he tried to lock it, he couldn’t
And I ripped him right out his seat then I grabbed the side of my jeans and then
I pull out the shotty, I cocked it twice ‘till he screamed
And I shot his arm into pieces, I’m watchin’ his blood leakin’
And another shot to his chest, seen his stomach squeezing
His breath and his lungs collapse and he down to his fuckin’ knees
Askin’ me, “Why?”
He looked at me, I looked him dead in the eyes
Then I smashed his face with the barrel, and I throw his teeth to the sky
And then *cocks shotgun* sound of the shotty cock back
I pressed it hard against his head and blew his fuckin’ top back

Klečím a ptám se ''proč?''
Koukl na mě, koukám mu do očí
Praštil mě pažbou do obličeje
Zuby letí do vzduchu a potom uh..
slyším *nabije brokovnici* zvuk nabíjení brokovnice
Namířil mi na hlavu a snažil se vystřelit
Pořád jsem při vědomí, pořád žiju
Pořád se hýbu, nechápu, jak to, že nejsem mrtvý
Všechna krev co ztrácím a slyším, jak mi auto odjíždí
Koukám nahoru a vidím slunce, to jediné co vidím
Potom slyším mé vědomí ''Vstávej frajere, vstávej! Ztrácíš krev, bože! Neusínej nebo umřeš! Zůstaň při vědomí a hýbej se, co můžeš, není čas! Najdi pomoc, nebo se snaž křičet, nejsi na tom dobře, pane bože! Vstávej frajere! Vstávej! Vstávej Frajere! Vstávej...''

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